19 posts tagged with instrumental by AppleSeed.
Displaying 1 through 19 of 19.
Into The Sky
Title track from an instrumental album I just finished. Details inside. [more inside]
The Stars By Day
Dedicated to tomorrow's solar eclipse. [more inside]
Rhubarb Pancakes
A peppy major chord synth tune for the upcoming break. [more inside]
The Locked Room
An eight-minute instrumental piece. I made a video for it using public domain film from archive.org and put the song in the public domain (non-commercial use with attribution). [more inside]
Legends Of The Magi (Overture)
Here is an unused overture for "Legends Of The Magi, A Christmas Rock Opera" - six songs done in collaboration with eight musicians (bass, cello, violin, keys, vocals). [more inside]
Grave E Cantible
Franz Joseph Haydn [more inside]
Exclusive to MeFi music, Snowdrifts as originally recorded! From Where The Trail Leads. [more inside]
Where The Trail Leads
The title song from my new online-only album Where The Trail Leads. Stream or downlaod for free. [more inside]
Storm Clouds Of Jupiter - part 3
Part three of three - with real drums! [more inside]
Storm Clouds Of Jupiter - part 2 of 3
Instrumental electronic thingy continued. [more inside]
Magic Show
An upbeat instrumental piece. [more inside]
First Guess
This is an organically assembled doodle recorded to test a Ubuntu Studio laptop conversion. [more inside]
Last episode (or is it? see below for details) of Creature Of Habit. [more inside]
Realization, Remembrance, Regret
Song four from Creature Of Habit. [more inside]
Part three of the serial instrumental, Creature Of Habit. [more inside]
This track is part of a project that heavily features Swamp XT, a virtual synthesizer by one H. G. Fortune. Working playlist title is "Succubus/Incubus", but I'm looking for other ideas. [more inside]
Snow Drift
It was snowing and what better to do than mess with the arpeggiator? [more inside]
Game Night
I just loaded up Ubuntu Studio with some soft synths, and recorded this CarrotAdventure-inspired piece. It came out sounding like a game show theme, hence the name.
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SynthXploration 1
If this jumps around a little, it's because I was just looking for a way to demo sounds from ZynAddSubFX. [more inside]