86 posts tagged with rock by pyramid termite.
Displaying 51 through 86 of 86.
vacation - vampire deer
song 7 of my rpm project - more blues - i have better vacations than this
brand new morning - vampire deer
the 6th song of my rpm album - you can pretty much taste the acid on this one
good friends (the bailout song) - vampire deer
4th song of my rpm album - well, what's a trillion between good friends?
kerosene alley by vampire deer
this is the 3rd and title song for my new rpm album - it would seem to be about someone else but sometimes i think it might be about me [more inside]
winter - vampire deer
2nd song on my rpm album - this is a kind of mellow song
ain't going slow - vampire deer
this is the first song of my rpm album, kerosene alley - jj cale got the green light, but i had to make do with the yellow
wednesday afternoon - vampire deer
song 7 of 10 from my rpm 08 album, wolf moon
the collection - vampire deer
song 6 of 10 of the 2008 rpm album, wolf moon
surrey day by vampire deer
song 5 of 10 of the rpm 08 album wolf moon
dance in the ruins - vampire deer
song 4 of 10 of the rpm 08 album wolf moon
charlemagne and jane - vampire deer
02 of 10 of the rpm album, wolf moon
i know a place downtown - vampire deer
1 of 10 for the new rpm album, wolf moon
polar bear club
13 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... brrrrrrrr
dillinger's hand of glory - vampire deer
12 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... don't light your cigarettes with it
wintering - vampire deer
11 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... what i did last summer
angel turning into stone - vampire deer
10 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... after which it's really hard for them to fly
undertow - vampire deer
09 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... a cheerful ditty about metaphorical drowning
the wind - vampire deer
08 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... la la la la la
gray angel - vampire deer
07 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... gray song for a gray day
calico zoo - vampire deer
06 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... it's animal farm on thorazine
herby - vampire deer
05 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... herby was a real person who rode the rails and drew these on boxcars ... i never met him, but i've talked to someone online who hobo'd with him
round - vampire deer
04 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... some people write songs for good parties, i write them for bad ones
long long way to graceland - vampire deer
03 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... just renting here
aurora borealis eyes - vampire deer
02 of 13 ... herby and the polar bear club ... misunderstandings of popular doggerel applied to current events
steppin' on my pearls - vampire deer
01 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... a lament
strike the tent by vampire deer
the grand finale of the circus ... headphones suggested ... 12 of 12
drive forever by vampire deer
and why not? ... 11 of 12
flags by vampire deer
i live in a country where the flags fly at half-mast ... 10 of 12
glassy house city by vampire deer
a lament of the modern factory rat ... 09 of 12
something happened yesterday by vampire deer
mellower song ... 8 of 12
sleeping by vampire deer
dreamy symphonic song with a spooky touch ... 7 of 12
draw your coat by vampire deer
angry distorted fuzz rock ... 06 of 12
let's pretend by vampire deer
"let's pretend we're going to be a thousand points of light" ... "get the bums out of mcdonalds, keep the tennis pros at home" ... 05 of 12
tracing bone
song 3 of the vampire deer album ... this has a complex african feel to it with a hollow sounding slide solo at the end
down in the flood by vampire deer
02 of 12 of my solo project ... this one's kind of swampy
mundane circus
a song by vampire deer (which is me and my computers) ... strange glossy psych ... 01 of 12
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