452 posts tagged with folk.
Displaying 351 through 400 of 452. Subscribe:
- Tomorrow Is A Highway by brainwane
- The New Folk Hero by limeonaire
- Saint Voorhees by es_de_bah
- City of Bummers by es_de_bah
- How Was Your Year? by limeonaire
- Maps and Keys by limeonaire
- The Sun and The Rain by limeonaire
- Dear to my Heart by aesop
- (never titled) by Maaik
- The Wheel by umbú
- In the Silver Mines by umbú
- The Ballad of Innsmouth by transitional procedures
- Tuesday by transitional procedures
- This is the Season by transitional procedures
- I Am Not A Lawyer & This Is Not Legal Advice by Shepherd
- Den Første August by starfishprime
- Æ Rømeser by starfishprime
- For a Spanish Guitar - My cover of a Gene Clark song by talltaleheart
- Future Knocks by kmartino
- Mirrorball by CarrotAdventure
- Make Right the Time by rangefinder 1.4
- The Great Staycation by snofoam
- Pandemic by flapjax at midnite
- Bottle of Sunshine (Corwin Bolt & the Wingnuts) by OverlappingElvis
- Mean ol' Coronavirus by flapjax at midnite
Love More
Title song from my self-produced record last year. [more inside]
By my band, The Mulligrubs--I am on bass and keys, but the cool part of the song is the guitarist's Ebow. [wikipedia page about that] [more inside]
Blankets and Pillows
Recorded last summer sometime, was on a solo album I produced. [more inside]
No Going Back
This is not the happiest song I've ever written. [more inside]
Song I wrote and recorded recently when thinking about how thankful I am for my friends. [more inside]
Sunday Front Porch
Early morning front porch music... [more inside]
Hard Times Come Again No More
Just installed new strings and set up my new 3-mic stand; I figured I'd test drive 'em both. [more inside]
Try to act surprised
A song about accepting that bad stuff sometimes does, and will, happen. Written after the untimely death of a relative a year ago. It's not about him per se, but it does make me think of him every time I play it or hear it, just because the song came together at around the time of his passing.
Kissinger's Diaries
A folky ditty about a perceived lack of love in the city.
You Said
A little folk ballad from Kristy London & The Other Halves, a band from Brisbane, Australia. [more inside]
sunflower - vampire deer
track 9 of 10 from the rpm album wolf moon
wolf moon - vampire deer
song 8 of 10 for the rpm album wolf moon - tuning dgddad
dread captain - vampire deer
song 3 of 10 - for the rpm 08 album wolf moon
Louis Collins
Quick 'n' dirty cover of Mississippi John Hurt's old song played on my resonator guitar. Levels are a bit off, volume jumps up and down a little... but here it is anyway. [more inside]
The Punisher
A little acoustic guitar ditty that sounds like something that would be perfectly suited for a front porch. [more inside]
This is a cover of Engine by Neutral Milk Hotel. The original was the B-side of Holland, 1945. I made this recording in honor of the tenth anniversary of In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. [more inside]
The Coat Hanger Song
Another song off of the new People Will Blink record. We wrote this in 2003 and it has been a fan-favorite ever since. Every time we ask Azeem what the lyrics are about, we get a different response. From what I can gather, a pirate is appearing to someone in a dream. I am the voice of said pirate. [more inside]
Oh, Johanna
Bluesy folksy track, an ode to Johanna [more inside]
More Songs About Oven Mitts
This is a song about a decommissioned Killbot, forced to work in a kitchen baking and whatnot. He is pretty angry about it. [more inside]
cover of the song by Maurice Williams & the Zodiacs. Fingerstyle guitar, vocals, banjo. Created for the 2008 Songfight! Gift of Music sidefight.
Ghosts and Robots
Or "Hooray for the Humans"
a meditation in Post-Apocalyptic Folk-Rock!
Every now and then, someone favorites (or unfavorites) this little line, which I dropped as a comment on a great post about the world after humans. It's actually the opening line to a song I've been mean to post forever. Here's the cleanest version I've got so far. [more inside]
At The Airport
Another song from my forthcoming album "Save You From Yourself", featuring my buddy Michael Spaly on mandolin. [more inside]
Further Than a Stone
Written by the mando player, Hamdog. I'm playing fiddle - everyone had a blast with this. [more inside]
Janie in the Lake
More banjo / fiddle stuff. [more inside]
Blue Train
Old-timey / bluesy ditty from our new album. That's me on fiddle. :D [more inside]
A song about friendship. [more inside]
Pulling Hard Against the Stream
Someone wondered what I'd sound like with instrumental backing. Here you go. [more inside]
Night Terrors
Written to satisfy both a Songfight challenge and the mefi music challenge. Who says you can't spook two horses with one chestnut? Featuring three buttons on my accordion.
Take this Hammer
Cover of a Leadbelly tune. [more inside]
Out of It (singalong demo)
This is the title track for my next album and I need some backup vocals! [more inside]
The Silk Road
Something a friend and I made awhile ago [more inside]
Beat Guitar (or, Rags to Rags)
Raw bedroom recording of a song that will eventually end up on an album. Lyrics inside. [more inside]
Gaoth Barra na dTonn
My take on this wonderful Irish Gaelic song, which I learned from Clannad, and which was written by Diarmuid MacDiarmada. Donegaler Mefites, please don't kill me if I've mangled the pronunciation! [more inside]
Song for the Mira
Mwahahaha! By request...
Let It Go or Give In
I wrote this very recently and decided to record it while it was still fresh. It still needs a lot of work instrumentally, and structurally as well. I'm thinking about working with some musician friends to spruce it up a bit. I would love feedback!
If someone would just make a damn album that sounds like this already then I wouldn't have to be swiping vocals and doing it myself.
Rideau Ramble
You people are dangerous for my ego. Something a bit different now; a song in praise of my hometown of Ottawa, Ontario. This song was written for the 175th anniversary of the construction of the Rideau Canal. The tune is by a well-known local Irish musician, Frank Cassidy. This tune has a two-octave-and-a-note range, folks. Don't try this at home.
The Private's Lament
The companion piece to the Turret Gunner's Farewell. This one's about my other great uncle, who fought in WWI and lived to tell the tale. (A bit more downbeat than TGF, and a bit of creative licence taken regarding his hometown.)
The Turret Gunner's Farewell
A song I wrote a couple of years ago as a tribute to my great uncle Bernard, who went down in a Halifax III during WWII. Oh hell. Just listen to the song to get the story.
prama says
she cannot feel a thing
Until You Sever The Snake
Written and recorded for the serpentine challenge now underway. My buddy Ken Kawashima brought in the North Mississippi blues riff and yours truly did the rest. Apologies to animal rights advocates, but some snakes were severed during the recording of this song. Had to be done. [lyrics inside]
angel turning into stone - vampire deer
10 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... after which it's really hard for them to fly
the River Girl
A song by my band, the Notes and Scratches, kind of about Vivian Eliot and featuring a bunch of water. I sing and play the acoustic and the harmonium.
Used To Ride That Train
There must've been hundreds of times over the years that I've tapped out a rhythm on a pan full of water while doing the dishes, the pitch woozily shifting as the h2o sloshes about. At those times I've almost always thought, hey, I should put this on a track sometime. Of course, I never did, until the first MeFi Music Challenge, with its "water" theme. Along with the big metal bowl full of troubled waters, you'll hear jawharp, talking drum, bombo drum, bell, shaker and vocal. [Lyrics and more inside]
You Promised There Would Be Girls [demo]
I wrote and recorded this today - it's basically a stream-of-consciousness account of one of the stranger and more entertaining parties I've attended.
aurora borealis eyes - vampire deer
02 of 13 ... herby and the polar bear club ... misunderstandings of popular doggerel applied to current events
Steampunk Fever Stream
My friend Dan and I apply the guitar and recording implements to hastily collected drippings from his subconscious.
Here's another song by drowsy, my one-person band, and once again daja sings guest vocals. Voice and autoharp and nothing else, recorded live to four track cassette (but we only used two of the tracks).
Tower Song
Another Townes Van Zandt cover, though I think this is the best thing I've produced [at home] yet. Amazing what a little compression will do. A beautiful, simple, moving song that I can't do justice to.
This is the first track we've recorded for our next album. I'd love to hear what you all think...