819 posts tagged with mefimusicchallenge.
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Am7 + Gm7. My submission to the two chord challenge.
You're Not Alone
My contribution to the two-chord challenge. A sleepy little song with fingerpickin' guitar, piano, and some three part "harmony." I experiment a little more with my voice on this one. [more inside]
Portland, City of Roses, City of Dreams
Ok, so I was playing around with the two-chord song idea, struck on something that sounded nice, and this is the end result.
Brought to you by the letters G and D7. [more inside]
This Much
A two chord challenge song that EXPLODES! [more inside]
I Said It All
For the April "write a song with only two chords" Music Challenge.
Brought to you by the chords E and A. [more inside]
My Amnesty Song
Something for the Choral challenge, although, it ain't quite choral. [more inside]
Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal
"Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal." Text by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Setting by Allen McCullough.
Over the edge
For the music challenge amnesty. I'm often a bit intimated by the challenges but one thing I can definately do is play an instrument the wrong way. [more inside]
Secret Agent Love Scene
MY attempt at the spy challenge in the month of amnesty. Sexy sax with a chance of knifes in backs. [more inside]
Mbira Experiment 1 of 2
WARNING: High pitched feedback.
Sorry about your ears to everyone streaming the RSS. [more inside]
El aparato
The Ground Squirrel turns spy
I'm not sure if this would work better in a spy movie or a cheesy 70's porno.
An entry to the amnesty challenge, trying out the "wrong" challenge. [more inside]
Real Bad Dad (Theme Song)
This was for an internet cartoon that never took off. [more inside]
For this month's "Amnesty" mefi music challenge, a breakbeat style take on the "spy music" contest of a couple months back. [more inside]
I Stand In Line
The Snake
Amnesty Month has inspired me to dust this one off: a grimy cover of a Brazilian tune. [more inside]
Wrong Way
My keyboard comes with the typical drum patch. And layering. The two are not intended to be used together. This mercifully short (under 2 min) sketch shows what happens when you go down that one way street the Wrong Way... [more inside]
Mefi Rock On
MefiMuChallenge submission and my first real attempt at multi tracking vocals. [more inside]
Asshole Banjo
Collage of Schostokovitch, Ian Dury, The Exorcist, I dream of Jeannie, David Essex, and more. Starts with the required banjo comment. [more inside]
When the Sun and Moon Do Shine
A New Great Depression era jaunt with undertones of cracked optimism. Thanks to RussHy for the inspiration through the lyrics challenge. [more inside]
very big delicious christmas part 3 (snow drums)
Part the third of a holiday happenstance. [more inside]
very big delicious christmas part 2 (sacred rudolph)
Part 2 of a Christmas collage featuring one of our cats, The Big Delicious, on solo cat voice. [more inside]
very big delicious christmas part one (o holy linus)
mashy mashy with The Big Delicious, part one. [more inside]
The Day of the Christmas Parade
Hollywood is famous for its annual Christmas Parade, which inspired the song "Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane)", which Gene Autrey wrote after playing Santa in the parade and hearing children call out to him. I decided to write my own song about the event, as experienced by slightly older children -- the homeless teens who used to (and probably still do) squat in abandoned buildings and under bridges in Hollywood. Ah, memories. [more inside]
Let It Snow
This is as close to the original melody as I could get while in a minor key. Imagine being on a holiday getaway where everything goes terribly because of the weather.
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
Ya. Kind of a Norman Bates take on it.
O Holy Night
Eve from Wall-E sings the Christmas standard.
Mary Mary
A NSFW song about Mary (full of grace!) recorded in 2001 on a Tascam 4 track with an SP-202 and some ridiculous records and friends. From the same album as last year's Tryptophantastic. [more inside]
Let It Snew
This may be a bit of a stretch for the music challenge, but it's supposed to be poking fun. [more inside]
Santa Punk Is Coming to Town
Another track from the 2002 Christmas album. Now with 100% less blasphemy. [more inside]
Santa Claus is comin' to town
A cover of the "I'll be watching you" of Christmas songs, recorded with my dear friend okclementine. [more inside]
Happy Birthday Jesus
A Christmas song about a man who kills his cheating wife and her lover on the eve of our Lord's birthday... [more inside]
Black Dog, Friendly Dog
Jingle Burn
doubtfulpalace's and Astro Zombie's unexpected collaboration on the MeFiMusic page discovered by chococat. [more inside]
Down In The Forest
The original broken Christmas carol. [more inside]
Sangre de Santa
Everyone dreams of a white Christmas, but nobody does anything about it. [more inside]
Xmas Don't Be Late
Originally by Alvin and the Chipmunks. For the MeFiMu December challenge. [more inside]
Jingle Bells (1997)
Compare and contrast. Rebecca Marculescu rocks the vox.
Jingle Bells (1993)
Did someone say "minor-key Jingle Bells"? [more inside]
Kris Krackle
Where I live is not the best or the worst place. Ypsilanti Mi Here we seem to have a abundance of Crack heads. But for some strange reason they all disappear when it gets cold out. This is their Christmas Carol. They Dont Know that you can still buy crack when its cold?
Buttfuck Baby Jesus
A track from my old band's 2002 Christmas EP. If you have any respect at all for me, or are offended by blasphemy or infant rape, you probably shouldn't listen to this. [more inside]
Linus and Lucifer
It's not really that satanic. And you can still dance to it Peanuts-style. [more inside]
Girlfriend Song
It's okay to submit a MetaFilter Music Challenge song at the last minute (Pacific Standard Time) if the song itself is less than a minute long! You can't get blood from a stone, but you can get feedback from an autoharp. Here's a tender punk rock love song for you. [more inside]
Six Fifths
My first MeFi Music song.
Under just one minute long. [more inside]
Personal Jesus
Sad, Sad Song
My Little Corner of the World
As requested by chococat, and featuring the great Karlos The Jackal on marimba and toy piano. [more inside]