819 posts tagged with MeFiMusicChallenge.
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Se Rapprocher
For the Great Request Raffle, I was assigned Move Closer, by Phyllis Nelson.
I'd actually never heard the song before but on repeated listenings it really grew on me. Great slow groove.
Some of the lyrics were super-cheesy so I thought a solution would be to sing it in a different language. Maybe French?
Then it occurred to me to go FULL ON SERGE GAINSBOURG and here we are. [more inside]
I'd actually never heard the song before but on repeated listenings it really grew on me. Great slow groove.
Some of the lyrics were super-cheesy so I thought a solution would be to sing it in a different language. Maybe French?
Then it occurred to me to go FULL ON SERGE GAINSBOURG and here we are. [more inside]
The District Sleeps Alone Tonight
I love covers that genre shift. I'm also listening to the Postal Service's album 'Give Up' a lot recently. So, a genre shifted cover - the more unlikely the better - of 'The District Sleep Alone Tonight' would be pretty awesome.
I am not sure what genre this was or now is, but something has shifted.
Pixelated Lines
Removing the human facade of a Thicke Droid 2013 for the MeFi Request Raffle. [more inside]
Toad's Song
By request, from The Wind in the Willows.
Strange & Beautiful (I'll Put a Spell On You)
My second Request Raffle challenge submission: a soulful song played on an out-of-tune piano! [more inside]
Are You Being Served?
My raffled request came, I am told, from ODiV, who wanted to hear the "Are You Being Served?" theme song. I hope this is the version he heard in his dreams (because it is, roughly, the one I heard in mine). [more inside]
Here’s my entry for the Great Request Raffle.
The request I got was: “I have a number of songs about Friday, Saturday, and Monday. Even one song about Tuesday. I'm wondering if anyone has something to say about Wednesday, Thursday, or Sunday.”
[more inside]
My Request Raffle entry! Apologies to my requestor for this poor performance of his beautiful tune. [more inside]
An interpretation of a song from a quite well-known album by a certain Mr. David Jones. [more inside]
Bury It All (QOTSA raffle request)
Based loosely of Queens of the Stone Age's "Suture Up My Future" [more inside]
Metafilter Request Raffle - MST3k Theme
My assignment: "A genre-bending cover of the Mystery Science 3000 theme, any season, any genre. " [more inside]
Ziggy Stardust
My late entry in the Bowie Summer Challenge. Pretty much like my original idea, but of course it’s never quite like I imagined. Here’s what I ended up with.
At least I did it, I never even started the last one.
5 Years
I blame the kief.
Moonage daydreaming
For the Bowie challenge, finally. [more inside]
Man, of all the versions of this song I attempted for the Bowie cover challenge, this one is the most nearly acceptable. Picture a seventeen-year-old with a bad haircut, all alone on the night of the big dance with a guitar, a cheap microphone and a 4-track.
Moonage Daydream
An, uh, addendum to my official Bowie Summer Challenge entry.
Soul Love
I really won't be able to come up with another / better / thing based on the Bowie song. Too busy fixing the meals, painting the walls, going to the bank... I consider this my back porch approximate version of Soul Love. Some chords (most chords I guess) are only in the vicinity of the original ones. Be kind. It's been recorded while my daughter was taking a nap, I tried not to be too noisy.
My cover of Starman for the Summer Bowie Challenge. [more inside]
My entry for the Bowie Summer Challenge
Soul Love
My cover of Soul Love for the Bowie Summer Challenge.
Moonage Daydream
Better late than never is "Moonage Daydream", my entry for the Bowie Summer Challenge. [more inside]
Hang Onto Yourself (Arnold Corns version)
My entry into the Summer 2013 Metafilter Music Challenge. [more inside]
It Ain't Easy (in the Country) - Bowie Cover
My entry for the mass remake of Ziggy Stardust. [more inside]
Ziggy Stardust
My entry for the Bowie MeFi Music Challenge [more inside]
Star - (David Bowie)
My entry for this summer's Bowie Challenge [more inside]
Soul Love - David Bowie cover
My gate-crashing addition to the David Bowie Ziggy Stardust Music Challenge [more inside]
Suffragette City
When I was assigned this tune for the David Bowie 'Ziggy Stardust' challenge, I was a little worried that I couldn't really manage it, somehow. But I had fun with it and I think it turned out OK. Plus I got this total blam-blam to help me with the promo clip, which you can viddy, my little droogie, at YouTube or Vimeo.
It Ain't Easy (Bowie cover)
I think I may be kicking off the summer Ziggy Stardust Cover Album project with this intentionally muddy, garage-blues riff off my assigned track. [more inside]
Wonder Woman Theme
Intensely silly. [more inside]
Delta blues cover of Alt-J Breezeblocks. Consider May's challenge: Accepted. [more inside]
Fitter Happier
As the unimaginative title suggests, this is my entry for the April MeFi Music challenge. It's an ambient type of thing, largely made from reversed guitar recordings. [more inside]
11 Day Tripper
Silly instrumental in 11/8.
In 10/4 for the odd time challenge: an invitation to a mild-mannered New England Bluebeard’s castle, whose secret chamber of horrors is apparently
nothing more than a collection of quaint decorative arts.
[more inside]
Grebos In Love
Nasty. Brutish. Shortish. In 5/4. [more inside]
I Represent
Nicki Minaj from a acapella rapping in 5/4 over an obnoxious beat with excessive handclaps for the odd time music challenge
It Gets Better
A long time and a bit ago, there was an It Gets Better challenge, and the late lamented Major Dundee posted this in response, along with instruction to ride it hard and put it away wet. So that's what I did. [more inside]
gomen nasai
Acoustic tune for this month's challenge [more inside]
I Am Very Basic Obliterate Obliterate Obliterate Obliterate
Two riffs, 2.4 beats, entirety of verse and chorus in title.
Walk Into De Funeral Parlor Jig
Minor variation on an old minstrel tune. Fretless tackhead banjo, marginally played tambourine and bones. [more inside]
astronomy domine - vampire deer
earthlings, prepare for eviction - the classic pink floyd song, slowed down, with major chords changed to minor chords
There Goes The Sun
Here Comes the Suck--The sun is gone and nothing good will ever happen again. Everything has diminished, but DMelanogaster and I are up for the challenge.
High and Dry
A cover of Radiohead's H&D on resonator guitar in open G, for the minor/major challenge. I originally intended this to be a shitkicking country stomper but it turned into something quite different. [more inside]
The Lonely Karmic Cop
Cover of Radiohead's "Karma Police" for the major/minor challenge. [more inside]
Another Brick in the Major
Take Another Brick in the Wall parts 1, 2, and 3, jam 'em all into one quick bluegrass shitkicker, throw it into a major key, and you get this. [more inside]
Jack the Ripper
A quickie. Took an ominous Nick Cave/Bad Seeds dirge, applied a little jolt of electrical shockers.
As made famous by gloomy pirate Jimmy Bummer. E minor with ukulele and guitar. [more inside]
Any Minor Fool Could Tell You
A minor-key cover of Any Major Dude Will Tell You, with lyrics altered to replace any trace of softheartedness with utter cynicism and despair. [more inside]
Walking on Sunshine
In which I attempt to take the insufferable happiness of this song down a peg. [more inside]