990 posts tagged with guitar.
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MY 50th Mefimusic POST!
Thank y'all for 7 fun years. Here's a new tune I wrote for my band Big Ghost called Great Spirit (get it? get it?) Enjoy! [more inside]
22 (not a t. swift song)
I took a break from music stuff for six months, and then came up with three songs in rapid succession. I'm out of practice, and I'm not in love with this one, but it's the best of the three. Posting just so I don't completely fall out of the habit.
Everything is Fine (Happy Place Pizza Party)
A Rob Ford-inspired tune from the earlier days of Crackgate [more inside]
I Need More Money
Mid Tempo slightly rockin' thing. Not actually about money. [more inside]
Long Weekend
A demo from a project of mine called The Phone Calls. This will be on the next record [more inside]
A relentless acoustic guitar riff and some words. [more inside]
it's the same idea
Wrote and recorded this a couple of years ago. This is where I left it, a couple of notches or more away from perfect... but it's got some good things about it, including a really messed up (in a good way) guitar solo. [more inside]
Sredni Vashtar - The Loop
Four chords, a guitar loop and loping drums. Trying to keep things simple for once. More here.
Why Is My Guitar On Fire?
A short, sweet, rap-free collaboration with MC Frontalot.
Brilliant Pebbles
stayin in touch
A song written by my brother, who recently came home from a two year Senegal Peace Corp stint. To paraphrase his contention: "If you want to catch up, put your phone down and take your pants off." [more inside]
White Light Music Night
Late night and off-kilter, a love song for the otherwise apathetic. Recorded at rehearsal in South London by Sredni Vashtar and then (lightly) polished. One day we'd like to record this properly (do the vocals properly for example). One day. [more inside]
ShH 408t: Bennington
Merry Christmas! Here's an arrangement of Bennington, No. 408t in the Shenandoah Harmony (www.shenandoahharmony.com). Poetry by Isaac Watts 1706, original shape note arrangement by Billings, 1770. [more inside]
Dink's Song
traditional American tune, played clawhammer style on the guitar. [more inside]
We'll Meet Again (In A Minute)
A great song by Vera Lynn, not performed by Vera Lynn.
Guitar, vocals, pump organ (back again!), a slinky, and hand sounds. [more inside]
no blade tom
...cuts like harp strings.
Request: "I have long wished for a happy, loud, upbeat version of The Beatles 'Michelle.'" [more inside]
So Much More
Just got a new zoom h6 to record with. Guitar, vocals, whistling, and a 1930's Dogherty pump organ. [more inside]
js theme
Another quick 'jazz' tune recorded during the week.
Instant Ramen
One minute noodle. [more inside]
Bury It All (QOTSA raffle request)
Based loosely of Queens of the Stone Age's "Suture Up My Future" [more inside]
Another venture into songwriting from our band, radiateur. This one is a Frankenstein song comprising of riffs and motifs written over the years and assembled at leisure. [more inside]
To Kill the Pain
Parental Guidance: Adult Themes, Adult Language, Dobro [more inside]
it's the now
Listening to some old songs of mine, I came upon this one from 2004. It's a rather sweet, romantic little thing written about a depressing period in my relationship at the time. [more inside]
A Waltz for David Pauley
Soul Love
I really won't be able to come up with another / better / thing based on the Bowie song. Too busy fixing the meals, painting the walls, going to the bank... I consider this my back porch approximate version of Soul Love. Some chords (most chords I guess) are only in the vicinity of the original ones. Be kind. It's been recorded while my daughter was taking a nap, I tried not to be too noisy.
Quiet guitar for a quiet afternoon. [more inside]
Made in the Multitrack app by harmonicdog. I'm sorry about the wonky levels and general noisiness; I'm still learning how it works.
For decades now, I have been inspired by songs that make you think beyond just a lovely melody (hopefully they'd go hand in hand together). On that note, here's a song about unwinding and placing greater value in human relations (at a time when we so greatly need this).
You Never Laugh
Weird little acoustic whisper-sing experiment from a few years ago. Born of legitimate frustration. [more inside]
a fair shot at breaking a months-long gap between self-recordings
Climbing Up the Walls
Only three tracks left until we've finally finished the full album of OK Computer. The idea here is pretty simple--since we've made basically every other track super creepy, it was time to make the creepiest track on the album something completely different. Presenting rock and/or roll. [more inside]
Your Destroyer
This is a rough mix of a nearly finished tune. Wanted to unleash it a bit early. [more inside]
Magic Theatre
You are feeling very sleepy.
Nineteen Thousand Sunsets
Ambient instrumental piece. It's a rather ambient dialog between the guitar and a bell-like sine synth. Long pauses. Slow paced. Throughout my life, one of my constant joys was always watching the sun go down. I've seen so many variations of this event that I wanted to express a condensation of the variety and bittersweetness of all those sunsets.
[more inside]
Favorite Song
An old "wall of guitars" rock demo. Come for the fuzz, stay for the drum machine. [more inside]
This is about 6 passes of live-looping that all fit together nicely with the same mood (bleak, minimal, meditative) and tonality. [more inside]
As the unimaginative title suggests, this is my entry for the April MeFi Music challenge. It's an ambient type of thing, largely made from reversed guitar recordings. [more inside]
Womankind (demo)
In June 2010, I posted a song called Womankind. I was just digging through some old demo recordings and found the demo for this song. [more inside]
Relationship Material
A sub-2-minute garage-pop type of deal [more inside]
Appear Amid
Song from 2010. I think this was the peak of my abilities in trying to make my whistling sound like some sort of saw/e-bow/loon combo. Identical guitar part to the end of my song Apfel Augen. Whistling with stairwell reverb, guitar, and a couple pulsing effects I added in a just-now-at-3am-we'll-see-what-it-sounds-like-in-the-morning fever.
Made In The Image
New and much improved mix of a song from a few years ago. Kinda rock-metal-electronic fun with a pretty good helping of vocal harmonies. Critique away!
unSane's Whistling Shoes
I stole the words from unSane and turned it into a song with off key whistling.
One Past Midnight
Past Lives: I. Where's Judi? II. Bitch Vicki III. Getting Past Nobody
A semi-instrumental song given a second life after a decade in the demo wilderness. [more inside]
Optimizing Performance (Antag Bounce)
A bit of synthy iPhone silliness [more inside]
4AM Cover
number four
the fourth song effort in my album month efforts. an excellent example of my need to stop making dense songs and fill out that thirty minutes.
Desert's Edge
Just some instrumental rock I've had kicking around for awhile. Not much to it.