990 posts tagged with guitar.
Displaying 351 through 400 of 990. Subscribe:
- Hungry Eyes / I Want the End of the World by es_de_bah
- Selling Tickets by es_de_bah
- The New Folk Hero by limeonaire
- Play Guns by es_de_bah
- Dyscalyptus by valrus
- Three Halves (Inside Problems) by valrus
- Phase the Blood by ignignokt
- Lamprophyre by thatwhichfalls
- Don't Know What It Is (About KDHX) by limeonaire
- This is Not a Desert by thatwhichfalls
- How Was Your Year? by limeonaire
- Tous les Mêmes by umbú
- Maps and Keys by limeonaire
- The Sun and The Rain by limeonaire
- Loro by umbú
- Imagined Scandinavian Dance by ignignokt
- Darling by umbú
- Razor Edged Shadows by thatwhichfalls
- A Slightly Greater Kind of Triumph by thatwhichfalls
- Komatiite by thatwhichfalls
- hesitations by thatwhichfalls
- Jharkhand Assembly - The Descent Part II by KickTheBobo
- The Sound of Carrying On No Matter How Terrible It Gets by ignignokt
- schism by thatwhichfalls
- Dark Streets by srednivashtar
Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies - "July"
"July" is the promo single from the upcoming Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies EP. "July" is the feel-good song of the month, if not the century. "July" is a tale of love, summertime, and ephemeral youth, told in the timeless language of pop music. [more inside]
Long Trail
Here's a sparse, new version of one of the first songs I uploaded here, The Long Trail. [more inside]
An attempted Hendrix-style wedding song for a friend. [more inside]
Plínk, Plønk, Pləŋk
A lovely string quintet (of sorts), and the second track from the 2011.06.09 session, with our friend and guest performer, Luke Furman. [more inside]
Getting back into the flow of some bedroom recording on a Sunday.
Just what the world needs: another cover of a hit pop song by a white guy with his guitar. [more inside]
My Girl's Blues
A little rough, a little raw. Just a little old-time blues instrumental.
All The Small Things
I seem unable to cover songs (even those I hate) without making them sound completely earnest.
Short little thing, decent guitars and frustrating digital drums. [more inside]
Oxidising Base Metal
Minimalist guitar piece. All one guitar. Imagine a tractor factory at night
Rock, Paper, Scissors (the single mix)
Shorter, sweeter mix of this responding to some of the suggestions on the last one. Lost the first intro, cleaned up the drums, changed the harmonies slightly, brought up the melody guitars, and dropped in a blazing little guitar solo, even if I do say so myself! It's under three minutes now -- give it a listen! Now just have to figure out the B-side...
Do the Wrong Thing
Sometimes you need to do the wrong thing.
This is the first track from the PRISONERS album THIS IS ALL OF THE TIME. We recorded it at the Hive in Vancouver in January. [more inside]
Leon's Song
A song written for a friend going through a bad break-up.
Rock, Paper, Scissors (1979 Powerpop Mix)
Balls out late 70s powerpop version of the song I posted an acoustic demo of yesterday. [more inside]
Experiment in mood... An ominous political speech. [more inside]
Bow, bass and drum
Myself and Peterkins getting mellow on a Sunday afternoon. All acoustic, guitar and double bass, with added percussiveness from Peterkins.
Playing with Garageband's guitar effects. Lots of distortion to cover up my lazy fingers. [more inside]
Poker Face
Acoustic guitar cover of the Lady Gaga song. [more inside]
Playing around with Saturn's Radio Emissions.
The Sound Remains the Flame
Just playing around with an open C6 tuning, which always makes me think of Led Zeppelin.
Gettin' Outta Dodge
Just a short instrumental (my favorite kind) comprised of a train beat, steel guitar riffs and some other riffs thrown in for good measure. [more inside]
If I Had To Do It All Over Again,
Baby I'd Do It All Over You. [more inside]
Blizzard Season
St. James Infirmary Blues
Who Hit John tries our hand at this old standard. [more inside]
Side By Side
Cover of the old favorite, an impromptu Valentine's day gift. Me on acoustic and electric guitars, my little old organ, and vocals. [more inside]
Steam Stove
This is a song from the batch I recorded when I recorded Cold Dip and It Could Always Be Early. It has an absolutely ludicrous number of tracks for a song that has nothing but guitars and harmony, and I feel the need to just release it and see how others react to it. [more inside]
A silly pop song that I wrote for my band Boeufcake. We've been playing together for years, but we have few recordings worthy of sharing due to the tediousness of multitracking and the shit kicking good time we'd rather have drinking beer and playing loud. Be aware, there's a couple naughty words in this song. [more inside]
last hurrah
bouncy, hyperbolic night-out song, wherein I muse on the merits of Jack Daniels as it pertains to dental hygiene. (not really) [more inside]
Leave Her, Johnny
Here is an entry for the January Challenge! It is by me and rangefinder 1.4. It is a cover of "Leave Her, Johnny," a traditional sea shanty that was sung by sailors at the end of a voyage, as they were preparing to leave their ship ("her" in the song). [more inside]
This is That
I have no idea what this is, but at least zephyr_words sent me a great bass track for it.
I Hoofed a Horse
aka I Horfed a Hoose. [more inside]
A Little Afternoon Geetar Pickin'
Just a little thing to keep my Mojo lighted up. (Probably just good enough for sharing.)
Boots Of Spanish Leather
Another "get me out of this musical funk" cover. The more I hear Dylan sing this, the more I think this may be his most beautiful song. Here's my try. [more inside]
Apologies for my absence — again.
I will be releasing an album under the moniker Kings Of Last Night this year, and I want to share with you an outtake, a B-side if you will, a sketch of a song that didn't make the album but deserves to be played on the internets.
That song is "Pilot", a story of aviation, extended metaphors, the fourth wall, and disaster.
External links:
KOLN • Bandcamp [more inside]
The Card Cheat
I've had a bit of Clash fever lately, and a Kaossilator that I'm playing with. [more inside]
Changing Constantly
rude boy tele spank [more inside]
Happy little ditty whose name was inspired by a post in the blue. [more inside]
Greyhound Fears
The second song I recorded after this one.
The Loss That I Made For Myself
A new instrumental song. [more inside]
Roadhouse Cafe
Bedroom blues wankery. [more inside]
inin (live)
the last track on my htmpng efforts
Ten Years in a Hundred Dollar Suit
So Aimee Mann and Bruce Springsteen are in a bar discussing the greatness that is Living on a Prayer, but what they haven't noticed is that Toto are at the next table, and Sonic Youth just walked in the back... [more inside]
Turn Me On
goofin' to da funk.
[more inside]
Hope or Happiness (Take 2)
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
An arrangement for solo electric guitar.
Another track from Nasoalmo [more inside]
If I Fell
A boy/girl take on the Hard Day's Night track. [more inside]
Guitar is My Gun
Self explanatory. [more inside]
The Church's Desolation (and Old Hundred)
Guitar, banjo, and vox arrangement of the shapenote tune, The Church's Desolation, number 89 in The Sacred Harp. A quick fingerstyle arrangement of Old Hundred (49 on the top) was tacked onto the front. [more inside]
The only good thing about having a sore throat is that for a brief window of time I can hit some low notes. I was too sick today to concentrate on any real work but this was lying around half-finished so I took it another quarter of the way. Despite the title, this is not a murder ballad but a song about the day I realized Ms. unSane might (eventually) become Mrs unSane. Features a totally fake Hawaiian guitar, one of the rare moments where my surf playing has spilled over into one of my songs. [more inside]