1013 posts tagged with rock.
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Mostly acoustic strumming. Maybe the simplest song I've ever written - but I like it, for a' that. [more inside]
Faster Peach
Your eyes, diamonds rough as a fist, chipped away. [more inside]
star shapes
This is a song i've been trying to put together for a year or two now. It uses my usual punk + x formula, where here, x = rawhide. The second half is big, noisy, and was tons of fun to make. I"m kinda fond of the lyrics Hope you enjoy. lyrics inside [more inside]
Not My Fault
Random rocker from a year ago. The chorus is a little short.
A song to convince a dog [more inside]
Another song inspired by the Rodeo Ford car dealership. [more inside]
Chains and Leather
loud, thick and fuzzy
What's Wrong With Amerika
Living A Lie
An indusrial/metal dittie about staying true to oneself. [more inside]
Even Then
What if Wolverine decided to become a carpenter? [more inside]
surely, something is meant by this (goddamn)
written and recorded very quickly: a couple of childhood experiences made into a little parable set. hope you enjoy. it's fun as hell to sing. [more inside]
The Next Voice You Hear
Crazy drunken hootenanny, with myself on the saxophone. My friends' band, A Million Kittens Inc.
Too Many Notes in Your Sad Song
Somehow I got it in my head that the challenge theme was "too many notes" instead of "lots of notes". So I wrote and recorded this song and felt like an idiot when I came here to upload it. Enjoy. [more inside]
Out of It (singalong demo)
This is the title track for my next album and I need some backup vocals! [more inside]
The Silk Road
Something a friend and I made awhile ago [more inside]
Psychedelic Unknowns
Fare you well, you fortunate star
On your journey out of the dark. [more inside]
Rod Carew
A song about race and baseball.
hungry heart
This is a lazy pseudo-live cover of the Bruce Springsteen song, recorded on a whim a couple of years ago.
March On
Feeling like the day won't end even through the dawn,
Tommorrow brings the thought of hope helping us March On.
If someone would just make a damn album that sounds like this already then I wouldn't have to be swiping vocals and doing it myself.
Reno Dakota
A Magnetic Fields cover I recorded recently. I've been working on my singing for a while, and I was mostly wondering if anyone had any suggestions on where to go from here in improving it? Any other feedback is also welcome, of course.
Sheepshead Bay
Just in time for the "bridge" music challenge, the Micah Berry Band finished the five-song Traveling Soul EP featuring this track (where this bridge figures prominently). That's Micah Berry on guitars and vocals, Matt Hulcher on bass, Scott Williams on drums and me on piano. Micah's Myspace is over here.
Femme Fatale
A Velvet Underground cover from our recent recording session
Your Guess is as Good as Mine
Another one from the musical chest.
Best Friend
Another "raw mix" alcohol-related song, this time as the solution to, instead of cause of, all life's problems.
I Run
My main anxiety with regard to music is the unintentional ripoff. I'm fairly comfortable with my particular playing & singing skill levels (though the lead guitar on this one makes me blanch), meager may they be, but, especially with simple progressions (like this one), I have a hard time believing it's not overly derivative of... something. I suspect this is incurable.
Same Thing (raw)
I wrote this song for my friends that can't handle their alcohol. This is a very raw mix from our recording session this past Saturday. (lyrics inside)
boy's alright
little song i wrote while walking to work. lyrics inside.
Observational Comedy
Album's finished, yo. What better reason to give you another outtake?
B-movies is available from CD Baby (North America) and the B-movies web shop (elsewhere); or get cheap, legal MP3s from Amie Street.
gigantic sebadoh
sebadoh gigante en ingles.
This is a song from the same sessions as this one but featuring the full band . In the end the band weren't happy with the final recordings but I'm quite happy with this one!
sebadoh gigante
soy el sebadoh gigante, voy a seducir tu novia con mis canciones de amor alternativas.
prama says
she cannot feel a thing
Never Alone
I thought I'd toss up a recent demo I'm unsure about and see what the feedback is. There are big problems with the drums, chorus vocals, lead guitar, to name a few, but those are easily fixed, if it's worth it. Sounds like Uncle J on the bass.
What I Deserve
A song about being left behind. Sometimes, it's deserved, but it can still suck. (The guitars aren't real. Or the bass. Or the drums ...)
jim gets lost on purpous
jaunty little ditty about poor ol' jim, cuckolded soon after moving to boston with his finance. not entirely sure where this came from except that i'm very very very often lost in boston. usual stuff: buzz guitars, fake drums, computer blips and me shrieking like a dolt. enjoy!
Bit by a Snake
When Uncle J and I heard the new challenge theme was "snake", we both immediately thought of an old goof song of ours from years ago. We decided it deserved to be rerecorded...
Hot Rod Fever
The first complete song from a new collaboration of mine. The group is called Gentleman Robot and I've been working with one Rachel Rhodes, a transplanted Texan in France whose vocals ROCK. We decided to make something classic-rocky (across teh intarwebs, no less), and here it is.
polar bear club
13 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... brrrrrrrr
dillinger's hand of glory - vampire deer
12 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... don't light your cigarettes with it
Great Big Kiss Off
An early song by The Action Items, which was usually just me, but on this song also includes dainty dave on the drums. Posted in response to the song that is hopefully still immediately preceding this one.
wintering - vampire deer
11 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... what i did last summer
you will not lol metal
A song based on this thread about loling metal that melissa may and I wrote tonight.
angel turning into stone - vampire deer
10 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... after which it's really hard for them to fly
Twist and Shout [The Beatles]
Continuing with the theme from yesterday, (and as promised), here's my version of "Twist and Shout." Is it any good? That's for you to decide. I hope it is.
Perhaps "I'll Get You" is next?
undertow - vampire deer
09 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... a cheerful ditty about metaphorical drowning
Hold Me Tight [The Beatles]
In hono(u)r of the anniversary of the nucleus of the Beatles coming together, I bring you a cover of a song that both Lennon and McCartney derided as not all that good, but I always kinda liked. Maybe tomorrow, I'll upload my version of "Twist and Shout." :-)
the wind - vampire deer
08 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... la la la la la
Hey settle down
I always hear people describe indie rock as jangly, and I'm not sure what they mean, but this sounds jangly to me.
There are 8 different instruments on this track and I play everything except drums.
So there.
While the Gittin' is Good
Surfy-punky song inspired by a friend's recent decision to quit his job and travel for a while. Recorded in GarageBand, drums provided by a drummer friend who tapped them out on his keyboard for me because none of the drum loops sounded right. My first complete project in GarageBand.