1018 posts tagged with ROCK.
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I’m waiting for the man (caterpillar mix #1)
Like Unto Pistols
A few of you wanted to know when my band Voodoo Economics's next album came out. Welp, it's out. It's called 'Nighttime Sabbaticals'. Here's a track from it. [more inside]
The World's Most Blown Mind
Another track from The Old Whores Of San Pedro. [more inside]
Bridges Over The Thames
This is my first contribution to MeFiMu, so go easy on me! [more inside]
Trippy Space Trip (through Drug Space) [rough mix]
Pretty much what it says on the tin. A prelim mix of a song about the high highs and low lows of huffing jenkem. [more inside]
The Suit
Named after a minor magic spell. [more inside]
For losers everywhere... [more inside]
Henrietta Park
Final upload from my pile of rejects - ok, the other two weren't exactly the dog's bollocks (which is why they were jettisoned - duh), but this one..........hell, even I like this... [more inside]
Word Czar
A goofy, gleeful, garage-y little summer-in-the-city song. [more inside]
Stony Brook
From the back catalog of The Olivers. Somehow this one never made it over here. As always, interested in y'all's thoughts.
Lullaby For A Spin Doctor
#2 in a short series of 3 "rediscovered" tracks from my pile of untitled cds - which were heading for the bin until I decided I'd better check them out first. Again, about 5 or 6 years old (at a guess) this one's pretty off-centre..... [more inside]
Recorded 5 years ago. Frankly, a bit of a mess. Lyric is vaguely about relationship breakdown, but is "stream of consciousness" i.e. bollocks. But......something there? Worth re-recording/working on? I dunno. You might tell me.
Thoughts of Rain
This is a chill instrumental easy listening rock piece. Drums, bass, guitar, and saxophones accompanied by a storm. [more inside]
I basically put the words to Hallelujah to an acoustic chill rock guitar thing. and this happened. [more inside]
Joshy Come to Dallas
Sometimes it takes a little convincing to get your friend to visit. [more inside]
Ill Met By Moonlight (Medicine Man)
A small libation from The Gin Palace* [more inside]
Last Girl
Here's to Lon Chaney.
Because Bela Lugosi already has a song, and I thought it was high time for a tribute to the man who would've been Dracula, if not for lung cancer. [more inside]
Anxious Hands (v2 mixed)
The final mix of this raw track.
Anxious Hands (v2 raw)
This is a re-recording of the first song I ever posted to MeFi Music, a catchy little tune written by our bass player Steve. [more inside]
A Long Way Down
Another new demo song from my new band, Bring A Guillotine. A little more laid back than the previous track uploaded. Enjoy!
This is one of the first songs I wrote about 4 years ago. An earlier recording is posted here.
Although the song says the distinction is irrelevant, this is definitely the BROKEN hallelujah. [more inside]
Make It Better
A song I wrote a long time ago. With the help of a friend's vocals... [more inside]
The Siren
And the rock and roll continues...
June Challenge entry. With sincere apologies to Mr Cohen and fans of the song. [more inside]
Get Up
Did someone request a kick in the ass?
Makin' Steps
Looking back, there's a lot of stuff I've done over the last few years that never got posted here. So I am going to remedy that, starting with our track from the MeFi Music comp.
Song for Summer
As I was noodling around with these chords, beautiful summer has arrived here in Seattle. I couldn’t help but look out the window of our little music room at the gorgeous weather, flowers, blue skies, and people having fun on the water and asking myself, what am I doing inside on such a lovely day? And the answer is, writing a song about how I love the summer months as long as I’m safely ensconced indoors and out of the sun. It’s not my fault that I’m borderline translucent and in danger of melting in summer sun like a chocolate bar on the backseat of a car in July. But keep in mind, those of us who prefer it inside, aren’t necessarily anti-summer. We love watching it from the safety of air-conditioned shade. [more inside]
reverse vampires under negative rainbows
Recorded in 2003 by my band, struction. Noisy, loud, fast. [more inside]
Last Orders (aka Tom Waits For No Man)
Another one from an acoustic-based set recorded some time ago now. A giant cliche in a way, I suppose - but it has a kind of addled charm... [more inside]
A track from my defunct band, Struction.
Fast and loud.
[more inside]
The Company You Keep
A mellow acoustic oldie - worth re-recording? Comments/advice welcome [more inside]
oh, you know
My Chemical Brain
I don’t know crap about this topic but it hasn’t stopped me from having my interest piqued. Specifically, I’m talking about brain chemistry. Both the mechanics of it and the way we manipulate what those mechanics do these days are super interesting. Even more amazing to me is how people’s emotions (usually negative emotions) can be a simple result of a chemical imbalance in their brain. Wow. I realize the drugs we have today are both amazing relative to nothing and very blunt instruments relative to what we’ll have down the road. And while I haven’t tried any of them, I sometimes wonder what people did before they existed. Mostly suffered I suppose. :| [more inside]
Spirit Of '69
The hippies' lament.... [more inside]
Aaahhh, the ravages of time.............
Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. [more inside]
we wrote this song at our space a week or so ago. [more inside]
This is the first demo from my new collaborative project, tentatively caed 'Bring A Guillotine'. Some NSFW lyrics. All comments appreciated!
White Feather
Slightly absurd to try to describe music in words - have a listen and let me know what you think.
Seven Nation Army [White Stripes cover]
Thanks to the inspiration from a terrific link about this song today, I decided I'd give this bad boy a try for myself. Let me know if you like it. And rock on!
Should speak for itself I guess. Perennial tale of wronged love, worm turning, vengeance etc. [more inside]
Looking at Witches
Like a dry drunk
Down at the mall
Spring (like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers)
I made some power-pop. It's crunchy. [more inside]
Circus [EP Mix]
The final track on our four-track demo EP. I posted a very early version of this a while back, but since then it's gone through quite a transformation. [more inside]
The Apathetic Type
Track 3 on our four-track demo EP. This one was written, recorded and produced entirely by yours truly, at about six in the morning, with lots of coffee and other various enhancers. [more inside]
It Came From Mexico
Track 2 of our four-track demo EP. [more inside]
Dance For Me
In case you thought I went soft, here's some butt rock for you to blast in your Trans Am. [more inside]
Everyone Here Wants You (To Go)
Track 1 of our four-track demo EP. I shall be posting more in the future if this gets any kind of reception... [more inside]
Please listen to, think about, and heavily critique this song! I'm working on mixing it and finishing up the recording, and would hugely appreciate any constructive criticism! Thx!
Jiggy Romp (short version)
This is an upbeat guitar instrumental idea with a rock/tropical feel. [more inside]